A Glimpse of Singapore’s Quality Life


Every country aspires to give their citizens quality of life. Quality of life is measured depending on the factors like economic, social, physical and political aspects. Singapore is a small country but they never let geography dictate their quality of life. Singapore has become one of the finest places to live in Asia because of its quality of life. If you look at it subjectively, quality of life means the citizens are contented and happy with their current state of living.


Here’s an objective glimpse of factors that impact Singapore’s quality of life:


Since its secession, Singapore enjoys economic progress. The Port of Singapore is one of the busiest in the world. The country focuses on electronics and chemicals but recently, they broadened their horizons to include researches (biomedical and nanotechnology). Many multinational corporations are attracted to the country because of its stable banking, finance and investments centres. Economic growth is evident every year.


Singapore is famous because of its transparency and corruption free environment. Its stability and continuous success are attributed to the government’s good systems.


Singapore provides the best health care system. Because of researches and infrastructures, it became the hub of health care in Asia.


Singapore invests in knowledge. They believe that indeed knowledge is power. The education system is one of the best in the world. In fact, there are many schools that are locally and internationally renowned.

Public services

Singapore gives emphasis on clean water, reliable energy, clean air, etc. They are taking steps to conserve energy and lessen the pollution.

If people are contented and happy, it will reflect to their family and work life. Countries should strive hard to give quality life to their people. So far, Singapore is doing good.

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